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Māmiņu maršruts
Šajā maršrutā redzēsi jūru, priežu mežus, serpentīna takas un vairākus apskates objektus. Bērniem būs iespēja izbaudīt laiku divos rotaļlaukumos. Maršrutā ir arī padomāts par praktiskām lietām, ir pieejamas māmiņām draudzīgas labierīcības, bērnu veikals, kur nopirkt bērniem nepieciešamās lietas. Pēc garās pastaigas varēsi izbaudīt lielisku maltīti kādā no vietējām Saulkrastu kafejnīcām.
Sunset trips are organized by Skulte yacht club
Saulkrasti Bicycle museum
The collection reflects the manufacturing history of Latvian bicycles. Alongside the unique exhibits, it is also possible to see the old workshop and bicycle shop. It is the only bicycle museum in Latvia.
Laivu noma Saulkrastos
Baltic coastal hiking 27. day Saulkrasti - Lauči
The Gate To The Rocky Seashore Of Vidzeme
Jūrtakas pārgājiena maršruta tūristu brošūra un karte
Brošūra iepazīstina ar Baltijas jūras piekrastes pārgājienu maršrutu, Baltijas jūras krastu starp Rīgu un Tallinu. 1200 km garais pārgājiena maršruts ir daļa no Eiropas garo distanču kājnieku tūrisma maršruta tīkla E9.
Saulkrastu apskates objektu digitālais ceļvedis
Ceļvedī ir sniegta informācija par Saulkrastu novada dabas, aktīvās atpūtas vietām, kultūrvēsturiskajām vērtībām un to interesantākajiem apskates objektiem. Pie katra objekta ir pievienots kartogrāfiskais materiāls, uz kura uzspiežot lietotāju aizved uz google karti. Uzspiežot uz konkrētā objekta nosaukuma saturā, lietotāju aizvedīs uz objekta aprakstu.
Saulkrastu sporta un ģimeņu centrs
Centra mērķis ir veselīga dzīvesveida attīstīšana un popularizēšana, bērnu un jauniešu dzīves kvalitātes uzlabošana.
Seaside Park and Blue Flag Bathing Spot "Centre"
Combine a relaxing day on the beach with healthy, athletic activities!
The Sauna Museum
The Sauna Museum is located in Sēja District, 40 km from the centre of Riga next to the Murjāņi-Saulkrasti road, and was founded in 2008. One of the buildings of the Sauna Museum is decorated with a plate that says Latvian Heritage. This cultural label is awarded to rural tourism entrepreneurs, who preserve traditional values and incorporate them into modern life.
Mini-golf, paintball and lazer tag at Guest House “Ieviņas”
“Ieviņas” — a concrete mini-golf park with 18 standard concrete lanes, a shelter with tables, a barbecue, and a pond for swimming. A wonderful place for a birthday party, corporate sports events or recreation in nature and exercise with a sporty zest.
Klēra J.K
- Facial esthetics - Body treatments, massage - Lymphatic drainage boots - Vacuum Massage - Waxing - Manicure and Pedicure - Gelish nail polish - Eyelash and Brow tint - Eyelash perming - Brow shape - Earlobe piercing - Sale of Academie cosmetics
Summer House of Reinis Kaudzīte
Reinis Kaudzīte (1839–1920), one of the authors of the first Latvian novel "Mērnieku laiki" (The Times of the Land-Surveyors), resided in Neibāde from 1913 onwards. He purchased a small property where he spent the last years of his life, together with his housekeeper Karlīna Damroze.
“IL Kaijas” ATV Rental and Track
An ATV is a safe vehicle, suitable for all ages and tastes. The track is approximately 2000 m long.
Saulkrastu multifunkcionālā velotrase
Skaistuma laboratorija
"Skaistuma Laboratorija" offering beauty, massage, hairdressing and nail care specialists' services. The salon is equipped with modern equipment, offering high-quality services (using GUINOT and CHRISTINA products) for very attractive prices. Beauty Laboratory Ltd. is owned by Linda Zeltina who herself is a practicing beautician and a teacher of International CIDESCO Riga Beauty School - the leading beauty school in Latvia where new beauticians are trained. Because of  her long-term practical experience and theoretical knowledge Linda is offering only the highest quality services to the clients of her salon. The specialists of the salon work by prior arrangement.
Mobilā pirts Saulkrastos
Piedāvājam baudīt pirts, koka kubla un hidromasāžas džakuzī priekus jebkurā Jums vēlamā vietā un laikā.
Klēra Lukss SPA
- Spa rituals for the body and face- Spa rituals with sauna - Facial procedures- Procedures for eyebrows and eyelashes- Biorevitalisation and mesotherapy- Body peeling-massage - Slimming body wrap- Procedure for the abdomen - Body procedure for expelling excess fluid - Body tinting- Vacuum massage, etc.
Paintball park "Bušas"
Paintball park “Bušas” is certified and safe paintball park with experienced instructors, who keeps track of games all the time to reduce accidents, introduces with safety rules and equipment use. You can participate in the paintball game from the age of 10. Players take their running shoes, tracksuit with them which to wear under our overalls and water, food for picnic after game.
Saulkrasti bicyle rental
You can rent more than ten different bicycles of different types and sizes (kids, teens, grownups), which are ment to drive on street and dirt roads.
Recreation complex “Lilaste”
The recreation complex LILASTE.COM was fully renovated in 2008 and it ensures sleeping accommodations to up to 100 guests offering entertainment for every taste within the whole year!
SUP Pabaži - boat and SUP board rental
The association “Pabažu kungi” offers active recreation during the summer right by Lake Pabaži. A chance to rent sup and canoe boats to go on your favourite route
Sējas kultūras nams
Sagatavo un koordinē kultūras norises pagastā, rīko un atbalsta tautas mākslas un radošo amatierkolektīvu darbību, iesaistot tos Sējas pagasta, Pierīgas reģiona un Latvijas kultūras norisēs. Tiek rīkoti Latvijas Valsts svētku pasākumi, piemiņas dienas, gadskārtu ieražas, izglītojoši un izklaides pasākumi, pašdarbnieku un profesionālu mākslinieku koncerti.
Saulkrastu brīvdabas estrāde
Sēja Disc Golf Course
Sēja disc golf park has 18 courses, and this is the 21st disc golf park created in Latvia.
Rotaļu laukums Baltajā kāpā
Jet ski rental in Saulkrasti
Farm "Priežkalni"
Various birds can be viewed — chickens, geese, ducks, pigeons of different breeds, a peacock and more. Apart from the birds the farm also has horses, a pony, pigs, goats and other animals. Organising events with our cow Gauja.
Krastiņu bathouse
Holiday house "Krastiņi" is surrounded by pine-tree forest close to the beach and near the highest dune of Vidzeme region. The house is suitable for a family or couple wishing to spend the calm holiday in a wild beach and enjoy the bathhouse.
Rozeni bathouse
Pirts Rozeni rent with procedures by a specialist in traditional Latvian pirts treatments: 100€ per person. Pirts rituals and procedures are performed by a certified pirts and sauna master who is also an international judge at sauna mastery contests, Jānis Pavlovics.
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Tourist info
Ainažu 13b
LV-2160 Opening days : Every day 8:45 - 17:15